Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>Sqwertz wrote:
>> >Janet wrote:
>> >
>> >>Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> Nothing to critique from just one picture that really doesn't show
>> >>> much more of your kitchen than a smell, mostly it depicts a distant
>> >>> view of your dining area. Other than a wee sideways glance I don't
>> >>> see your stove, fridge, or sink.
>> >>
>> >> DUH, it's not "just one picture". Scroll down for the rest
>> >
>> >I didn't realize there were other pictures at first either.
>> >
>> >The kitchen looks nice (and small) but I wonder what the advantage of
>> >having the knives hanging blade down. I only see disadvantages to
>> >that.
>Sorry, I didn't see your post since I use Google Gropes.
>Gravity. If they start to slip downward, the handle stops them.
>> Magnetized knife blades are a very poor idea as they can be dangerous
>> by imparting metal slivers to food.
>Where would the metal slivers come from?
You'd be amazed, can come from all around your abode... one of the
first Rules Tool & Diemakers learn is to constantly demagnetize all
cutters, yes, there's a demagnetizer at every surface grinder because
it uses a magnetic chuck. Magnets will also F up your electronics...
there are no magnets on my fridge, instead I have a cork bulletin
board by the kitchen wall phone, it uses tacks. Anyone sho has modern
appliances should not have magnets in their kitchen, they will even F
up your coffee maker. I have one very powerful magnet attached to the
end of a wooden mop handle, I bought it from to pick up
nails when I had a new roof installed. That magnet lives in my barn,
far away from my house. I used it recently when my rental house was
demolished, it picked up many pounds of nails, screws and assorted
items that were in the ground nearby, even a rusty Knickerbocker
church key. Anyone using a computer, cell phone, TV, etc. should have
no magnets nearby, absolutely none in your new automobile or they will
F up your car's electronic sensors... make certain that new high
powered LED flashlight in your glove compartment doesn't have a magnet
in its base.
>> Besides no home kitchen needs
>> anywhere near that many knives.
>When has it been about need? With two of us cooking, we
>want that many knives. He has his favorites, and I have mine.
>Cindy Hamilton
I do most all knife work with an 8" chefs a 3 1/2" parer, and a 12"
bread knife. I keep a boning knife, a 10" chefs, and a 12" tranchard
on a shelf in my pantry because they're not used very often. I have a
lot more knives but have no reason to display what I don't use, extras
sleep in shoeboxes in a closet... I have lots of kitchen cutlery I
haven't seen in some 50 years, high end carbon steel knives I picked
up for mere pennies at yard sales that I refurbished to better than
new... I stopped stopping at yard sales long ago as I'll only buy more
items I don't need. I keep one parer in my desk drawer for when I do
some snacking at the PC, usually fresh fruit because they don't make
crumbs and I toss cores and parings out my window for critters... I
use a latest catalog as a cutting board, turn a page for a clean
surface, right now it's fantastic
daffs. I absolutely abhor clutter.