Penzeys Spices put up a letter to America's CEO's.
On 12/3/2016 11:24 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Sat, 3 Dec 2016 10:01:15 -0800 (PST), ImStillMags wrote:
>> we have lost 3% of our customers because of the so-called "right wing
>> firestorm." And, yes, they send emails of rage, and ALL CAPS, and
>> bad language with the hope of creating the perception that they are
>> bigger than they really are. But what we learned is that, in terms
>> of retail spending, Donald Trump simply has no one supporting his
>> views for America. He has no constituency.
> I sent Bill Penzey one of those "emails of rage, and bad language with
> the hope of creating the perception that they are bigger than they
> really are."
> That was 4.5 years ago even before Trump and Hillary were on the
> scene. Bill Penzy is a shit-stirring ******* that promotes hate with
> every newsletter/email he distributes. He's constantly trying to draw
> a line between us and them and using his gullible spice customers and
> vendors to back up his piddly statements.
> I get my spices at Central Market.
> -sw
> -sw