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Jeßus[_55_] Jeßus[_55_] is offline
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Default current price of almonds!

On Sun, 4 Dec 2016 00:44:54 -0600, Sqwertz >

>Every culture except for Blacks, Whites, and Mexicans has a dried
>and/or fermented fish product.

I tried some fish paste a few weeks ago on my holidays. Met some
(rather cute) school teachers on a day off, having a picnic. They
invited my friend and I to stay for lunch. It was pretty basic,
mainly plain rice and 'cucumber' slices (I think it was actually
zucchini). And the fish paste. All I know is it was dried fish then
fermented, no idea what else was in it. Anyway, the idea was to dip
the cucumber slices in the bowl of fish paste. The first time, I took
way too much fish paste... umm, yes, an 'interesting' taste! Once I
figured out the right quantity, it wasn't too bad. You only need a
tiny amount.

>I'm gonna get me some Bombay duck here next week.

That sounds pretty exotic, is it locally raised or imported?