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Jeßus[_55_] Jeßus[_55_] is offline
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Default current price of almonds!

On Sun, 4 Dec 2016 18:30:22 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2016-12-04 2:12 PM, Je?us wrote:
>> On Sun, 04 Dec 2016 08:11:36 -0400, wrote:
>>> I also like macadamia's but they have always been a luxury. Yes, the
>>> cashew is an interesting nut, I wondered how the first person ever
>>> thought to open it all up and actually eat the nut.

>> Every plant has been tried by a human at some point.

>If it has not been tried by one species it might be a major part of
>another specie's diet. I don't think anyone around here in their right
>mind would even think of eating poison ivy. I consider myself lucky to
>have never had a poison ivy rash despite having been exposed to it.
>Other people react very badly to it. White tail deer love it.They would
>rather eat poison ivy that a lot of other things.

Yep. Cats are another good example where many plants we can safely
eat, they cannot.

On my holidays I tried chewing some bark from the Cinchona tree
(contains quinine, good for malaria). It was quite bitter and
astringent, but at some point somebody must have tried it and somehow
figured out it's a good medication to malaria.