Swanson Cream starter
On 2016-12-05 4:25 PM, cshenk wrote:
>>> Keep in mind too that new people show up all the time
>>> on the internet. They know nothing, just as we ALL
>>> knew nothing at first.
>>> We should be tolerant to new people, especially on Usenet.
>> The fact that I slagged Google Gropers when I am one completely
>> seems to have missed you.
>> The posting date/time appear in the upper-right corner of the post
>> in Google Groups (at least, the way I have it configured). It's
>> pretty easy to miss.
>> Cindy Hamilton
> I don't mind them either, if they are interesting posts.
I think we can make an exception for the news that show up from food
banter. The posts all have an uncanny resemblance to each other. As I
recall, they start off with an introduction and explanation that they
are new to our forum and are looking forward to interesting posts. They
take a run and disappear. I don't think any of them have posted a second
time. Lots of new people come by, but not with that prescribed introduction.