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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Swanson Cream starter

On 2016-12-05 4:26 PM, cshenk wrote:

>> Jill

> Bozo-binned that person already.

Why bother to filter them? They post once and disappear. They are not
likely to come back with the same username. It is not unlike one our our
resident nymshifting psychotic assholes who was off his meds last week
and posted a bunch of vitriolic nonsense last week. There is an obvious
pattern to the silliness. There will be a new username with a bunch of
idiotic posts. Then there will be another new name and a bunch of
similar rants. The deluded fool is barely clever enough to realize what
an ass he is under one name and that he is likely to be filtered or
simply ignored, so he carries on under a different name. It takes him
time and effort to type those idiotic posts over a span of an hour or
two, but when someone downloads a packet of new posts they quickly see
two dozen posts from a new username.