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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Yesterday's bread

On Tue, 6 Dec 2016 03:38:12 -0800 (PST), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:

>On Monday, December 5, 2016 at 5:17:00 PM UTC-5, cshenk wrote:
><buncha stuff snipped>
>I find myself agreeing somewhat with Sheldon, although I'm more
>sympathetic as to one's priorities in life. If you re-did your
>kitchen, you might not have the money for charity and all of
>those other things that are important to you.

Thank you, Cindy. I can be sympathetic when one says they can't
afford a remodel, but then it would behoove that they stop talking
about it endlessly. Yet still there is much one can do to greatly
improve what one has without spending much money... it never costs
much to organize, neaten, clean, and to free up space by disposing of
dreck one doesn't use. I know that there are people who just can't
bring themselves to dispose of their errors in judgement, some people
are impulsive and always think they need something, if only they'd
wait an hour to think about it they would come to the conclusion that
purchasing some frivilous doodad is just a big waste of money, but
more importantly will become a burden finding a place to put something
they'll never use.
>I'd probably fill the space between the fridge and the sliding
>door with some sort of base and wall cabinets, even if I had to
>get them used at the Habitat for Humanity Re-store. I already
>think my countertops are too cluttered. My motto:
>"If you don't use it every day, put it away." I've just
>about achieved that, except for the food processor.
>How tall are you? I can see wanting stuff low if putting
>things up might mean a trip up and down a stepladder for
>every little thing, especially if infirmity precludes
>that sort of climbing, even on an occasional basis.
>Cindy Hamilton

Small kitchen appliances that are occasionally/rarely used don't need
a permanent home in one's kitchen... they can be stored in some other
room, on the floor of a bedroom clothes closet or under a bed... I
know, Carol has 170 pair of shoes she hasn't worn in thirty years but
she can't part with any even though now are feet are way too fat. I
recently bought a very nice metal cabinet that I mounted on my garage
wall for storing bakeware, I have a lot of Nordicware... it's only a
few steps from my kitchen to my garage... Nordicware is bulky, they
don't nest, no point in it taking kitchen space when pieces aren't
used regularly.
Lack of storage space is why houses with no basement are not houses,
every house on a slab is a garage. Anyone who pays over 100 Gs for a
house on a slab is an imbecile.