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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Yesterday's bread

On 2016-12-06 6:05 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:

> I'd probably miss that more than any other appliance. With just two of
> us it runs about every other day. It does a fantastic job of cleaning
> and takes no effort other than three minutes emptying it.

I would not miss the dishwasher. I think it is more work to load an
unload the dishwasher than it is to do dishes by hand. Our old machine
died a few years ago and I would have been fine with not replacing it.
However, my wife does the dishes more than I do and she wanted a new
one. I guess it doesn't matter how much more work I think it is to use
the machine if she is the one doing it most of the time.

When she is away for a few days and I am left to my own devices the
machine never gets used. I figure that it takes less time to wash the
dishes and let them air dry than it is to load and unload the machine.