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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Some USIANs opinion of England and the English <g>

On 2016-12-07 8:47 PM, The New Other Guy wrote:
> On Wed, 07 Dec 2016 19:28:24 -0600, "cshenk" > wrote:
>> Ophelia wrote in
>>> "S Viemeister" wrote in message
>>> ... On 12/7/2016 2:32 PM,
>>> Ophelia wrote:
>>>> "Ed Pawlowski" wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>> I prefer to keep the clothing clean and pollen free. We alwys use
>>>> the dryer
>>>> ============
>>>> I don't seem to have any problems with that.
>>>> Sheila? Do you?
>>> The winds in Sutherland don't let any pollen or schmutz sit on the
>>> laundry (I have to use lots of clothes pegs to keep my sheets from
>>> flying off to Orkney), there aren't many cars and my drying green is
>>> a fair distance from the road. Very rarely a bird will drop a bomb on
>>> my laundry - the last time was about 6 years ago. ===
>>> How about in US?

>> You need to understand how BIG the US is to realize that question makes
>> no sense.

> Brits don't seem to understand that California is more
> than *3 times* larger than England, and California is
> but a small part of the United States.

?? Ontario is 2 1/2 times the size of California. Does that mean we can
are can't dry our laundry on the line?
