:My cat's fat
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:My cat's fat
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On Thu, 08 Dec 2016 09:50:03 +1100, Jeßus > wrote:
>On Wed, 07 Dec 2016 18:38:23 -0400,
>>On Thu, 08 Dec 2016 08:02:55 +1100, Jeßus > wrote:
>>>On Wed, 07 Dec 2016 16:22:01 -0400,
>>>>There's one here, walks him every day, not in the least concerned
>>>>about traffic etc. He's a Bengal, very attractive, basically a tabby
>>>>but instead of stripes he is spotted more like a leopard. They are
>>>>also very expensive, appx $4000.00 and I disapprove of paying that
>>>>sort of money when the shelters are full of cats looking for homes
>>>I love Bengals, and you do come across them in shelters. We even have
>>>a site here devoted to Bengals in shelters
>>>*I see they've switched to Faecebook now.
>>I have chatted with the man and gather the cat is very destructive and
>>one of his neighbours told me he had to have several stitches when it
>>flew at his arm - so perhaps the civet in them gets them rejected
>Yup. They have certain tendencies like other breeds of cats.
>Presumably most of those found in shelters have behavioural problems.
>I'd still be keen to try to adopt one but my Tabby, Lucy, wouldn't
>stand for a new adult cat in the house. A kitten maybe... but even
>then I know she'd take time to adjust. She's already possessive enough
>of me as it is (and seem to be getting worse), she gets jealous when
>Annie (my other cat) has my attention.
>If money was no object, I'd love one of these:
>Then again, if money truly was no object I'd like to have a sanctuary
>for all cats, including the big cats. Especially the big cats
Yes, that cats lovely too, hadn't seen one before. I know I can't
have any other animal, this cat goes ape! My grandson was here last
week with his Lab pup, she is like a ball of fury with it and in the
end I shut her in the bedroom while he was here
Occasionally she
can see a cat down on the grass from the window and I know exactly
when she is looking at it, throwing herself at the window, hissing,
spitting, tail lashing and that's a cat 30 ft below here
must have been some other animal in the past I and the shelter do not
know about I reckon.
My dog does that but we know very well about the other animals in the past.
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