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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default :My cat's fat

On 12/7/2016 7:05 PM, wrote:
> Occasionally she
> can see a cat down on the grass from the window and I know exactly
> when she is looking at it, throwing herself at the window, hissing,
> spitting, tail lashing and that's a cat 30 ft below here There
> must have been some other animal in the past I and the shelter do not
> know about I reckon.

My cat Persia didn't come from a shelter but I guess she was raised in a
household with a bunch of other cats. She escaped and showed up at my
back door. She would not tolerate the sight of another cat. Threw
herself at the screen door in an attempt to scare any other cat away
from ground level patio.

Buffy (my current cat) came from a household where there was a cat that
bullied her constantly. Her owner died and the caretakers were trying
to find homes for the cats. Buffy was terrified, hiding from the other
cat when I went to meet her. The caretaker had to shut the male cat (a
Tonkinese) in another room.

Buffy was afraid and hid the day I brought her home. She soon learned
this is a safe place. No other cats to contend with. Still, if she
sees a cat walk across *her* patio or the back yard, she gets upset.
She hisses and yowls.

She's perfectly content to be an only cat.

I'd be worried about the 30 foot drop if your cat has any way to get out
on that balcony.
