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Jeßus[_55_] Jeßus[_55_] is offline
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Default Freezing celery...

On Thu, 08 Dec 2016 13:29:11 -0500, Brooklyn1
> wrote:

>S Viemeister wrote:
>>Je?us wrote:
>>> Is blanching essential, worth doing?

>>I haven't found it necessary. I just slice/chop the celery, spread it
>>out on a baking sheet, freeze, and then bag.

>And then bury it in your freezer for two years before mumbling "what's
>this shit" and tossing in the trash.

Not everyone is like you.

> I've never froze fresh celery
>because once frozen it turns to mush when defrosted, it's barely good
>in stews/soups so if I have celery that I don't plan on using before
>it will go bad that's when I plan on a soup/stew or some cooked dish
>that uses celery (meat loaf), I also like braised celery in chicken
>stock. I can always use up a lot of celery and other veggies before
>they go off in a pot of stir fry/chow mein. I can use up a lot of
>celery in bloody marys...

That I don't doubt.

>or use for a dip instead of chips, celery is
>more healthful. I think it's idiotic to freeze celery, that's why
>the frozen food companys don't... I've never seen frozen celery at

Sitting on your throne in the crystal palace again? I see frozen
celery in the supermarkets all the time, either mixed with other
veggies or on it's own.