Some USIANs opinion of England and the English <g>
"itsjoannotjoann" wrote:
>Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>"itsjoannotjoann" wrote:
>> > Bras are hung out on one those multiple arms with clips
>> > thingies. In the wintertime they're still hung on this
>> > contraption but then it is hung on the shower curtain rod.
>> I pile a week's worth onto a regular coat hanger and hang
>> the coat hanger more-or-less in front of a heat register.
>> We run the furnace blower 24/7/365, so they dry pretty
>> quickly.
>I used to clip mine on a coat hanger until I picked up that
>contraption at the flea market a few years ago. If I didn't
>it I'd still use a coat hanger.
Since I do all the laundry, ironically I hang bras to dry spanning the
two dresser drawer 'knobs' with the straps neatly arranged, with the
cups pointing out and well shaped.