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Cindy Hamilton[_2_] Cindy Hamilton[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 14,590
Default Some USIANs opinion of England and the English <g>

On Friday, December 9, 2016 at 4:31:49 AM UTC-5, Ophelia wrote:
> "Brooklyn1" wrote in message
> ... > >
> >Quiite coincdentally my clothes dryer just broke. I put a load of wet
> >clothes in it and pushed the Start button... nothing. I tried changing
> >the settings, Start? Nope, no go. Grrrrr.

> Did you check the circuit breaker?
> >I called my home warranty company and they will send a tech to repair

> jmcquown wrote:

> >and likely replace it. Meanwhile I have a bunch of wet clothes and no
> >good way to dry them. I cannot have an outdoor clothes line where I
> >live. I can hang some things in the bathroom but this is really an
> >inconvenience.

> I'd think a neighborly neighbor would rescue your one load of
> laundry... however I'd bet it's the circuit breaker. If it's the
> breaker still have an electrician check it out, after so many years
> circuit breakers go bad. Once a year it's a good idea to "exercise"
> all the circuit breakers by flipping their switch a couple of times
> each, cleans the oxidation so their points make good contact. And
> eventually a breaker's points become burned and it needs to be
> replaced... especially with high amperage breakers like for a dryer.
> It's extremely rare that a dryer motor would suddenly die, much more
> likely a belt would wear/break. It's very likely the breaker but
> knowing how you look for every opportunity to rank on me I know you
> would never say I am correct. Odds are you never thought to check the
> breaker.
> =================
> I had to ask that was. We just have fuses which are simple to replace.

Fuses are considered somewhat antiquated technology here, although many
older houses still have them. Most older houses were provided with
a 60-amp service. Many of them have been upgraded to 100 amps, with
an upgrade from fuses to circuit breakers. My house was upgraded a
second time to 200 amps.

Cindy Hamilton