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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Freezing celery...

notbob wrote:
> I've recently begun making my own "blue cheese" dip. Mayo, sour
> cream, Worchestershire, Sriracha, celery salt .....the usual. If I
> can't afford to buy real Buffalo wings, anymore, I can damn sure dip
> celery into blue cheese dip.

If the overrated wings are too expensive (and they usually are,
especially right before SuperBowl time), try Buffalo whole chicken..or
Buffalo thighs. Same tasting chicken, same hot sauce, same blue cheese
dip - just more good meat in every bite.

Rather than gnawing on a wimpy chicken wing, chomp down on a huge chuck
of chicken thigh then come back and tell me you'll keep buying wings.

My hot sauce is always Frank's Red Hot Sauce mixed with melted butter.
Supposedly this is the original used. If not, it's good and I won't

For the dip, I always use this:
You'll find this in the produce section. It's the best I've ever had.

I quit the chicken wings many years ago when... It was the week before
the Superbowl and I got the urge for them (probably because of all the
hype about buffalo wings being 'traditional'. I went to the grocery
store and chicken wings were naturally at a premium right then. $4.99/lb
for wings. Oh Man!

Then I looked over and saw whole chickens on sale for only $0.89/lb.
Same animal so I'll give it a try for way less. I cut the chicken into
11 pieces and turned them into buffalo chicken. I've never wasted my
money on wings only since then.