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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default :My cat's fat

"jmcquown" wrote in message news
On 12/8/2016 1:56 PM, Je�us wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Dec 2016 08:27:53 -0800, "Paul M. Cook" >
> wrote:
>> My tortie is 14 pouinds and the vet said she is only mildy overweight but
>> that she has dense and long muscles. It really depends on the cat.

> That is true. My two girls couldn't be more different from each other.
> Annie has a lot of Siamese in her, she is sleek, skinny and small to
> average in size. Lucy is a tabby and is huge for a domestic cat... a
> little overweight too now but not excessively so. I keep meaning to
> weigh her but never get around to it.

I weighed my cat yesterday. She's 12.5 lbs. People who come in the
house (when she deigns to let them see her) often ask if she's pregnant.
Nope. She's just a short round cat with stubby legs. She also has
a "primordial pouch", something spayed cats often develop. There's lots
of fur around her nether regions so she looks fatter than she really is.
She's actually a sturdy little gal.

She plays with golf balls all the time. If I had hardwood floors the
noise would be unbearable.



LOL I love it))
