Some USIANs opinion of England and the English <g>
> wrote in message
> On Sun, 11 Dec 2016 21:24:53 -0500, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>On 12/11/2016 6:35 PM, graham wrote:
>>>> It's about the same here. I change socks and underwear daily and pants
>>>> get laundered once every week or two. The problem with towels is that
>>>> they can get little funky smelling if they aren't hung to dry properly.
>>>> It's not like they are getting filthy after drying off a clean body. I
>>>> often had two showers a day, one at home and one at the gym and I get
>>>> fresh towels at the gym.
>>> Our grandparents' generation would be amazed about our obsession with
>>> cleanliness, which to them would be over the top. I'll bet they made a
>>> shirt last several days and certainly didn't put on clean underwear
>>> every day! As for daily showering........
>>> Old people in the village where I was raised wouldn't dare wash their
>>> hair in the middle of winter for fear of getting a "death of a cold".
>>Many dermatologists will tell you most people bathe/shower too often.
>>They dry out the skin.
> That's true, past 70, every other day a shower. They also recommend
> not soaking in a bath, very hard on the skin particularly if the water
> is really hot.
Well, I'm past 70 and not doing every other day, doing every day...if I was
living by myself, probably every other day would be fine though.