Some USIANs opinion of England and the English <g>
"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
> "Cheri" wrote:
>>"Brooklyn1" wrote:
>>>Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>>>On 12/11/2016 6:35 PM, graham wrote:
>>>>>> It's about the same here. I change socks and underwear daily and
>>>>>> pants
>>>>>> get laundered once every week or two. The problem with towels is that
>>>>>> they can get little funky smelling if they aren't hung to dry
>>>>>> properly.
>>>>>> It's not like they are getting filthy after drying off a clean body.
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> often had two showers a day, one at home and one at the gym and I get
>>>>>> fresh towels at the gym.
>>>>> Our grandparents' generation would be amazed about our obsession with
>>>>> cleanliness, which to them would be over the top. I'll bet they made a
>>>>> shirt last several days and certainly didn't put on clean underwear
>>>>> every day! As for daily showering........
>>>>> Old people in the village where I was raised wouldn't dare wash their
>>>>> hair in the middle of winter for fear of getting a "death of a cold".
>>>>Many dermatologists will tell you most people bathe/shower too often.
>>>>They dry out the skin.
>>> This is true because the water is too hot, it's best to shower with
>>> cool water, and use a mild soap. My wife is always bitching because I
>>> have far fewer wrinkles and I'm five years older. I tell her not to
>>> shower with such hot water, and to cut down on the make up... she
>>> doesn't use a lot but I think it's still too much, make up dries the
>>> skin, it sucks out the moisture. People I meet don't think I'm 73,
>>> they guess my age at mid 50s, I have very few wrinkles and I have a
>>> full head of very thick hair. My wife gets ****ed because people
>>> think I'm younger than her. My hair is all a steel grey but the women
>>> who cutys my hair tells me if I'd let her dye it I can easily pass for
>>> 40. Of course I think she's full of shit but the other women at the
>>> salon say the same thing, none believe I'm 73, they've made me show my
>>> license. th eold biddys there don't think I'm a day over fifty. In
>>> fact there's a new Boar's Head women at the market in town. She's a
>>> very good looking 43 and she's very interested in me, she gave me her
>>> email address, her home address, and her phone number. She was
>>> divorced six months ago, one big negative is she has five kids,
>>> youngest is 10. I keep telling her I have a daughter older than her
>>> but she's not disuaded, she likes me a lot. She just emailed me that
>>> she will be at the market tomorrow. I gotta say that she is very hot
>>> looking, but I'm no fool, I don't know her, she can be trouble. I
>>> can't imagine a 73 year old man being with a 43 year old woman...
>>> she's probably interested in my wallet, she already mentioned how she
>>> can't afford Christmas gifts. To be honest I'm finding this amusing.
>>> I have no intentions of getting involved with a women whose younger
>>> than my daughter, besides I'm happily married.
>>I lke the way you end with those 3 words, as an afterthought. You
>>know a lot about her for someone who isn't interested, she grabbed your
>>email out of the air? LOL
> Where did I say I wasn't interested... I won't get involved
> romantically because that negates the friendship but I've always
> prefered female friends. I've always found the typical male thinks a
> profound relationship revolves around watching sports on TV and
> defining themselves and everyone else by their job. To me a
> Relationship must be based on the three Rs; Respect, Reciprocity, and
> be Real.
There is no *typical* male or female, and my experience has not been that at
all. You remind me of those people that have those internet things going on,
spending a lot of time flirting, emailing, sending pics, sharing personal
information etc., but don't consider it to be disrespectful to their
spouses. Sorry, you should save all that energy improving your relationship
at home. Also, you said "she is interested in me, but I don't want to get
involved." That is not a friendship, it's a flirtation and you know it. Save
us from old men/women with visions of grandeur. LOL