On bringing your own unrequested food to the holiday dinner
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On bringing your own unrequested food to the holiday dinner
In article >, sf says...
> On Tue, 13 Dec 2016 09:40:33 -0800 (PST),
> > Now I?m informed that I must prepare one meal for 10 people and another entirely separate meal for three people. Furthermore, my daughter has informed me that should I regard cooking two meals as a hassle, they will bring their own food. Am I right in thinking that there?s something very self-centered about telling someone they must cooperate in your dietary choices or you will bring your own food? If so, what is your advice?
> Another mountain out of a mole hill.
> All that person needs to do is say "yes, bring your own food and you
> can cook it too". It's her daughter, not some stranger. She offered,
> let her do it. If she's not going to bend her rules for the sake of
> harmony at the dinner table when it's a lifestyle choice, not dictated
> by health, then her daughter needs to shoulder the meal responsibility
> for herself and the vegan grandchildren.
I'd eat everything that was offered, except the meat. Nobody has died
yet from a meal consisting of carbs and vegetables.
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