On bringing your own unrequested food to the holiday dinner
On 2016-12-14 9:59 AM, Janet wrote:
> In article > ,
>> Perfect, except you don't leave any room for the meat eating host to
>> whine and bitch about their non meat eating guests. That's just not
>> fair.
> TFB. I've got no time for professional martyrs who spend their
> entire lives playing the victim card.
Yet, we are expected to have time and energy to cater to the fad diets
of guests. I would be disappointed if I had gone to the expense and
effort to make a special meat dish and found out that one or more
guests won't eat it because they have adopted a weird diet. I am not
going to get all bent out of shape over them not eating the meat any
more than I would if they didn't eat nuts because of an issue, or
avoided a sweet dessert because they were diabetic. However, I am not
prepared to cater to fad diets like vegan. That is what BYOF is for.