On bringing your own unrequested food to the holiday dinner
On Wed, 14 Dec 2016 12:43:05 -0500, Nancy Young
> wrote:
>On 12/13/2016 11:44 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> Depends. Vegan is tougher than vegetarian. In any case, if we are
>> having a roast there are plenty of side to eat, but they would not be
>> vegan friendly. We do have peanut butter though.
>I have one brother who's got so many dietary restrictions that I've
>given up. He can't eat dairy, onions, garlic, paprika. I'm sure
>there's more. Oh, chick peas will kill him, this I learned when
>I tried bringing 3 bean salad that he could have.
>At this point we just bring plain vegetable separated out from
>whatever dish we're bringing to family dinners. Plain carrots,
>green beans, potatoes, whatever.
>Thing is, he doesn't ask anyone to change things for him. He finds
>something to eat and his wife will bring pumpkin pie he can eat,
>something like that. He doesn't make a big issue out of it.
For $3.75 you can buy him a bale of hay. LOL