On 12/15/2016 5:00 PM, dsi1 wrote:
>>>>>>>> How about drive-n Poke!
>>>>>>> Well these places are not real drive-ins.
>>>>>> Oh come on!
>>>>>>> Mostly they're plate lunch places.
>>>>>> Not really, see this menu:
>>>>>> https://www.yelp.com/biz/rainbow-dri...?osq=drive+ins
>>>>>> http://rainbowdrivein.com/menu/
>>>>>> http://www.bestdrivein.com/
>>>>>> They offer BOTH plate lunches AND drive-n fare.
>>>>>>> It's pretty goofy if you ask me. There might be real drive-in here but I don't know of any. Too bad!
>>>>>> You're wrong and I proved it.
>>>>>> Deal.
>>>>> Rainbow's is probably the most well-known Drive-in in the state so I know a thing or two about it.
>>>> Oh good, so we can agree then that it is a drive-in?
>>>>> I have had burgers and fries at the place but mostly, they serve plate lunches.
>>>> It's Hawaii, not a surprise is it?
>>>> Local food for local folks at a "drive-in"!
>>>>> Nobody goes to Rainbow's for burgers and fries.
>>>> If so they would not serve them.
>>>>> I'll get burgers because they're cheaper and smaller than a plate lunch and my stomach can't handle a big plate.
>>>> A reasonable decision.
>>>>> They serve fried rice there too - that don't make Rainbow's a Chinese restaurant.
>>>> So it's still a drive-in?
>>>> Even with plate lunches?
>>>>> They also serve ice cream but it ain't an Ice Cream Parlour.
>>>> So it's still a drive-in?
>>>>> You people take things too literally.
>>>> Literally it remains a drive-in, you even admitted as much.
>>>> . You have not proved a thing - except your pettiness.
>>>> I and Yelp proved it IS a drive-in and that Hawaii has quite a few, just
>>>> not of the Sonic flavor.
>>>>> That's par for this course, I'm sorry to say.
>>>>> Deal. 
>>>> I always do.
>>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZig8jvVEwQ
>>>> Well they all agree, it is a drive-in.
>>>> One started in 1961!
>>>> And the first to put a late lunch at a...wait for it...drive-in!
>>> Do you even know what a drive-in restaurant is?
>> I am pretty sure I do, yes.
>> Your typical fast food car service under an awning with a squawk box to
>> order into.
>>> The drive-in restaurants in Hawaii are not drive-ins because there is no in-car service.
>> What????
>> who did this to you?
>>> If you want to eat in your car you have to go in the restaurant and get the food yourself and then waddle your
>>> fat ass back to your stinkin' roach filled car.
>> Do stoners still leave their roaches in cars?
>>> People on the mainland might think this island is filled with drive-in restaurants but they're in for a shock
>>> because the drive-ins here are not like the drive-ins on the mainland. We just call them "drive-ins" to fool
>>> the tourists and people that might post to Usenet.
>> Ya but, that means you misapplied the classic term.
>> But there was then...
>> http://archives.starbulletin.com/199...ess/index.html
>> And there is now:
>> https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Locati...hu_Hawaii.html
>> So is that just covered parking?
>> I know you lost your drive in theaters:
>> http://www.driveinmovie.com/HI.htm
>> So did everything else get gobbled up too?
> I was raised in Kailua and I loved Andy's Drive In. You could see the red roof from the top of the Pali. I went
> there from small kid time. They didn't have any in-car service back then either. Alex Drive-in had carhop
> service. That's was very cool but that closed down back in the 80's. Andy's closed down over 15 years ago. Now
> it's an O'Reilly's Auto Parts store. Hardly the generator of fond memories.
> Sorry to dash all your hopes and dreams of real drive-ins in Hawaii. You best go somewhere else to peddle your
> trollish wares. 
> http://www.honolulumagazine.com/core...In/&mode=print
No troll at all, just replying to the Sonic observation and using Yelp.
Sorry you all lost those drive-ins.
Calling a standard plate lunch place a drive-in is a misuse of the term