On 12/16/2016 2:36 PM, Je�us wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Dec 2016 12:09:31 -0500, Nancy Young
> > wrote:
>> On 12/16/2016 11:08 AM, KenK wrote:
>>> Freezer full of leftovers. Nice to live alone, most stuff, like lentils and
>>> sausage, leaves me three or four meals of leftovers. Had several large
>>> recipes recently. Won't have to cook much for a while. Quit cooking for
>>> myself for holidays like Xmas many years ago.
>> Nothing wrong with pulling a nice meal from the freezer when you
>> don't feel like cooking. Some things are better than they were
>> the first day, anyway.
> Lasagna and Spag Bol (yes, I'm using that crude abbreviation again,
> whomever objected to it the last time
instantly comes to mind here.
> I've never frozen either of the above, I'd be interested to know if
> they are something that freezes well or not... I would assume it does?
> If so, next time I'll make a big batch and freeze some.
Lasagna freezes very well, as does the sauce for "Spag Bol".