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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Aldi's going full organic

On 12/17/2016 1:45 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 12/17/2016 12:56 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>> I get plenty of fresh local vegetables and don't worry about "organic".
>> I do care about locally grown.
>> Jill

> Perhaps organic is better as it does not have chemical residue but I
> won't pay a much higher price for it. Now do I care much about
> appearance of a peel that will become garbage. What matters is the
> texture and flavor.
> Supermarket produce even allegedly in season is picked so it ships with
> no damage, even if it has no taste and most customers buy what looks
> nice. As you say, local farmer's markets are the best source. Some of
> the produce my have blemishes, but picked at the right time will taste
> great.
> Our country wastes tons of good food just because it does not look
> pretty. We really have to get over the importance of appearance and
> seek out what is best to eat.

Absolutely. It's not about how pretty the food is, as long as it's
fresh. As for pesticides... I wash all the fresh vegetables I buy. I
don't recall anyone complaining their vegetables weren't organic 35
years ago.
