Anyone actually cooking today?
On Saturday, December 17, 2016 at 9:01:55 PM UTC-10, Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
> In article >, cshenk
> > wrote:
> > So besides me, anyone making any food today? I'm curious to see what.
> >
> > I've started a lamb curry and have some rye bread crumbed and drying
> > out.
> I made a meatloaf with too much rice filler yesterday and served my
> wife a crumbled meat something with a microwaved baked potato and
> salad. I squirted ketchup on the crumble and butter and sour cream on
> the potato. She said she liked it.
> I didn't really cook anything, so no.
> We did clean out and clean the refrigerator and freezer compartment in
> time for Christmas. Never did that before.
> leo
Hell, I'd eat that and be happy. Meatloaf and potato. I love that kind of fare.