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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Aldi's going full organic

On 12/18/2016 2:34 PM, Je�us wrote:

>> This past Wednesday I was at my Kroger and everyone who was coming
>> in the door was invited to fill out an employment application. No-
>> body is without a job at Kroger whether it's a cashier, stocker,
>> courtesy counter clerk, or in the deli.

> That seems strange, I thought there was unemployment in the U.S,
> generally speaking? Why are there no takers for jobs?

They all want to sit at a desk and get paid $30 an hour. Or they have
student loans and cnnot find employment in their chosen career as a
curator of a museum of 4th century Greek sculpture.

Plenty of jobs available in construction and trucking, but you can get
your hands dirty doing that kind of work.