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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Aldi's going full organic

On 12/18/2016 6:51 PM, Dave Smith wrote:

> How much training do you think it takes to drive a truck safely. It has
> a lot more to do with the ridiculous schedules they are required to
> maintain and the ever increasing loads they have to haul. The used to
> have a limit of 40 feet for trailers. It was increased to 48 feet, and
> later to 53 feet. That let to a lot more tractor trailers jackknifing in
> heavy traffic. There is a short time lag from the time tractor brakes
> engage before the trailers to, so the tail wags the dog. Every time we
> get a strong wind we see tractor trailers flipping over, and it is most
> often a truck with an empty 53 foot trailer.

Times have changed. The NJ Turnpike has a set of lanes that does not
allow trucks and a set of lanes for trucks and cars. Thirty years ago
I'd opt to go in the truck lanes. You were traveling with professional
drivers and it was easy to travel with them. Not so much today. Too
many cowboys out there now.

There was an article in the paper a few month back that said some of the
trucking firms were going to request the age for commercial drivers be
lowered to 18 because they need more drivers. Scary to think of
teenagers with little experience piloting 80,000 pound rigs.