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Jeßus[_55_] Jeßus[_55_] is offline
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Default Aldi's going full organic

On 19 Dec 2016 14:46:57 GMT, notbob > wrote:

>On 2016-12-18, Jeßus > wrote:
>> That seems strange, I thought there was unemployment in the U.S,
>> generally speaking?

>THere is.
>All too often, unemployment stats are jes a measure of who is claiming
>unemployment benefits. Once bennies are used up, ppl are no longer
>counted. Do they have a job. Prolly not, but at least they are no
>longer getting bennies, so are not counted in employment stats.

Yep. In Australia, they skew the real stats too. I forget the actual
number of hours, but if you work for a small number of hours per week
then you're counted as employed, even though in reality you're

>> Why are there no takers for jobs?

>All to often, sed job pays less than required to support one's self.

Yes. Heard about ppl over there employed yet still homeless.

>Also depends on where you live. CA's Mexican population ensures there
>are no resto jobs wanting. I now live in CO Rockies, where there are
>few Mexicans for ANY job. Which is why my last job was as a
>dishwasher in a small resto. Ima white geezer.

CO is one of the places I'd visit if I ever went to the U.S. Nice