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Sqwertz[_47_] Sqwertz[_47_] is offline
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Default Aldi's going full organic

On 12/19/2016 2:50 AM, dsi1 wrote:
>> I was hearing that the Electoral College meet today to ratify the
>> election.
>> I know many people are voting against Trump and they hope the EC will
>> change
>> things. They also said that it is not likely.

> This nation is so deeply divided that if the EC didn't vote Trump in, it
> could possibly mean another US Civil War. It's something unthinkable but
> I thought it alright.

It is 100% likely given who is armed and who is not.

It is also 100% likely given only the Rs appear to give a dash about
actual Constitutional instructions and principles.

The Democrap party has been bitten by the hard left bug and have doubled
down by re-electing Pelosi and turning Elizabath (Pocahantas) Warren
into their chief attack dog.

Expect them to self-waste in record time.

NO ONE wants a civil war, but some of us are equipped to win one.

And so it goes...