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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Aldi's going full organic

On 2016-12-19 2:00 PM, Janet wrote:
> In article >, says...

>> I'm not saying I don't understand the mother's reasoning - it would be
>> yet another child to care for, and yes, to worry about when she (the
>> grandmother) died. The young woman I am talking about obviously isn't
>> violent, otherwise she wouldn't be holding down a long term job at the
>> supermarket. I just did not know how to react to her telling me
>> something like this. She's without guile. She told me something I
>> really didn't need to know and I didn't know how to reply.

> IME, people who confide inappropriate intimacies to strangers in a
> public place, are in their own bubble, unaware of the effect the
> revelation may have on a third party OR the consequences for themselves.
> In effect, they are telling themselves their own story over and over
> again to themselves. The audience response doesn't even register.

One of the problems with intellectual handicaps is the absence of a
filter. They can be quite naive. There is also the possibility that she
has been at some sort of support group where the sterilization issue has
been discussed. There are are people who consider it a violation of the
person's human right, and the concept of eugenics is associated with the
Nazis and their attempts to create a master race by doing away with the
flawed humans.

The unfortunate thing is that some of those people could enjoy a fairly
healthy sex life without the worry of pregnancy. That would leave them
free of the obligations of parenthood, which, in the case of a DS
mother, likely results in the intervention of welfare services.