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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Aldi's going full organic

On 2016-12-19 2:23 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Dec 2016 10:27:04 -0500, jmcquown >
> wrote:

> You are being paid through the lower cost of groceries and the variety
> of groceries and other amenities made available to you. The average
> net profit margin for supermarkets in the US is between 1.5 and 2.0%.
> Grocery stores, even in the old Mom and Pop days, has never been a
> high profit business. Grocery stores need to turn over all the extra
> inventory that you want and do it quickly as much of it is perishable.
> We're talking in terms of days.

I frequently shop at a family run grocery store that has excellent
prices and service. Cashiers bag your groceries and there is always at
least one bagger on duty. I never have to wait long for a cashier.
There has never been more than one person ahead of me in line. They will
even take your groceries out to the car for you. I know several members
of the family. One of the brothers lives across the street from my
brother. Another one married a girl I went to high school with and they
have a beautiful home not far from here. The son, who went to school
with my son, lives in a nice house down the road from me. They seem to
be doing okay by offering good quality, good prices and good service.

If they can speed your travel
> through the cashier area by having you participate, you are helping to
> keep jobs within the store because if the profit margin drops too low
> people loose jobs.
> If your self image won't allow you to shop where you need to bag, then
> you should shop elsewhere. In my area, women loaded with bling,
> dressed to the nines and obviously wealthy, have no compunction about
> self checking or bagging.
> Janet US