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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Aldi's going full organic

On 2016-12-19 3:40 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 12/19/2016 2:00 PM, Janet wrote:
>> In article >, says...
>>> I'm not saying I don't understand the mother's reasoning - it would be
>>> yet another child to care for, and yes, to worry about when she (the
>>> grandmother) died. The young woman I am talking about obviously isn't
>>> violent, otherwise she wouldn't be holding down a long term job at the
>>> supermarket. I just did not know how to react to her telling me
>>> something like this. She's without guile. She told me something I
>>> really didn't need to know and I didn't know how to reply.

>> IME, people who confide inappropriate intimacies to strangers in a
>> public place, are in their own bubble, unaware of the effect the
>> revelation may have on a third party OR the consequences for themselves.
>> In effect, they are telling themselves their own story over and over
>> again to themselves. The audience response doesn't even register.
>> Janet UK

> I don't understand what you just said.

I do. That was a case of a very naive woman telling a complete stranger
intimate details of her life as if it was the most natural thing in the