Aldi's going full organic
On Fri, 23 Dec 2016 07:00:23 +1100, Bruce >
>In article >, Gary says...
>> Bruce wrote:
>> >
>> > I don't know how he's going to pay for it though, because I bet he also
>> > wants to lower taxes. Hopefully not to the level that he pays them.
>> Remember Bruce - he did nothing illegal. He took advantage of legal
>> tax loopholes. Only an idiot wouldn't do that.
>> And why are those loopholes there? Because most of congress consists
>> of rich guys that vote in their own best interest.
>> Blame Congress, not Trump.
>> I go for any deduction that I can. Why not rich people too?
>> It's all about class envy.
>> "He has more money than me. It's not fair." (whine and cry)
>The more money people make, the more taxes they should pay. Is that
>class envy? But I agree that if Trump dodged taxes in a legal way, I'd
>have done that too.
I wouldn't have if I were in a position to do so, unless my motivation
was to divert those funds into helping the poor. How much money do you
really need?