Aldi's going full organic
On 2016-12-22 5:44 PM, Bruce wrote:
> In article >, Dave Smith says...
>> I don't know why you would doubt the word of a man who trusted enough to
>> vote in for president. He claims to be worth about $10 Billion, but
>> Forbes says he is worth about $3.7 Billion.... so imagine having amassed
>> an amount of money in that range but not having to pay income tax
>> because you lost some money one year.
> That's one of many faults in an alround bad system, but it's not Trump's
> fault.
He obviously knows about this huge fault in the tax system but it is a
safe bed that he won't fix it. He said that he didn't have to pay taxes
because he is smart, and that translates to only stupid people pay taxes.