Aldi's going full organic
On 2016-12-22 7:24 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 12/22/2016 3:43 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> department.
>> I am sure a lot of people would. The idea of taxes is to fund the things
>> our society needs....schools, roads, police and fire services, armed
>> forces. I don't think it is appropriate that someone should be able to
>> divert that money to a charity of his or her choice. If we all did that
>> we might not have the tax revenues to fund important government programs
>> while Jimmy Bakker makes enough money to have air conditioned dog houses.
> You forgot to mention jails to put people like the Bakkers in.
What a piece of work he is. Iwas channel surfing one day and was
surprised to see on on the screen as I passed by some religious station.
I stopped there long enough to see him introduce some young (ex) con and
tell a story about how he had met the guy in prison. Big long sob story
about the guy's life of misery, crime and redemption... and that made
him realize why God had put him through through that ordeal.... so he
could reach out and help that young man.
> IMO, you need both. Only a well funded organization like the government
> can build things like the interstate highway system, but they tend to
> have a lot of waste built in too. That is an area where Trump should be
> able to do some good. It will be interesting.