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Jeßus[_55_] Jeßus[_55_] is offline
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Default Aldi's going full organic

On Fri, 23 Dec 2016 08:24:40 -0500, Gary > wrote:

>"Jeßus" wrote:
>> Bruce wrote:
>> >The more money people make, the more taxes they should pay. Is that
>> >class envy? But I agree that if Trump dodged taxes in a legal way, I'd
>> >have done that too.

>> I wouldn't have if I were in a position to do so, unless my motivation
>> was to divert those funds into helping the poor. How much money do you
>> really need?

>You're so full of dingo doo.
>Being "rich" is only a relative term.
>You had the money to go on an extended vacation recently.
>I couldn't have afforded to do that.


>So I could consider you maybe not rich but certainly
>richer than I am.

Yes, it's all relative, so what?

>I could say that you should have stayed home and given
>that money to the poor or pay more taxes.

See my detailed reply elsewhere in the thread to you on your inane
reasoning. Ohhh, you meant helping poor WHITE people rather than those
useless gooks. I get it now.

>But I don't think that way. You are doing better than me
>but I don't envy your extra money. Good for you!

By western standards I am certainly not rich.

>I deal with my life, use my funds wisely, but I never
>whine and cry about others with more money.

That's because you're not exactly blessed in the brains department,
Gary, and cannot make the distinction between those comfortable or
well off, versus genuinely rich people who could lose millions of
dollars and not even notice it. And use their wealth to be above the
law and abuse the spirit of taxation laws. Just as an example.

> I'm happy.
>People that make twice what I do cry about being poor.
>I make half that and I don't cry. I deal with it.
>I work with what I have. Give me a break.