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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Groceries, OH MY..

Nancy Young wrote:
> Cocoa's all about pot roast, chicken, oatmeal cookies, cake,
> any kind of cured meat like salami. Hard cheese. She likes
> people food. She gets bits and pieces, I can't lie. Not too
> much. She feels she deserves to taste what we're having for
> dinner.

Out of 4 ferrets, Jackie (the 3rd one) was the only one I
got as a baby and not an older rescue. Think about it though,
she was taken from the litter and lived all alone in a cage
in a pet store. That's also a rescue, albeit a very expensive one.

Anyway, we bonded immediately and she only always wanted to taste
any new food that I made. The other ferrets weren't interested in
much human food.

Each dinner, Jackie was right there with me, checking out all the
food on the plate. I didn't mind. We shared household germs anyway.
I let her eat what she wanted. She was so cool.

She liked raw corn on the cob.