Thread: Dipping sauces
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Dipping sauces

"Brooklyn1" wrote in message

"Ophelia" wrote:
>"Brooklyn1" wrote:
>Wherever your husband bought the spring rolls would likely have house
>mustard, next time tell him to ask. Or it's very easy to make your
>own, simply buy a small amount of oriental mustard powder and prepare
>your own, the only thing else you need is water. However I can tell
>you oriental mustard is like horseradish. I like horseradish and
>oriental mustard but I don't like hot pepper. With oriental mustard
>and horseadish the effect is short lived and then is gone (kinda like
>a good orgasm), makes you feel like the top of your skull is lifting
>off but there's no burning... and does a great job of clearing your
>sinuses. With hot pepper the burning lasts a long time, it burns
>going down and burns twice as much coming out. Chili head is a
>misnomer, the correct terminology is chili asshole. LOL
>Thanks, but we bought them frozen in the supermarket and he doesn't like
>mustard! I did say in my first post that he won't eat anything spicy, not
>even mildly spicy.

Then it would be easier to suggest something if you posted a list of
what he does eat. It's difficult to concoct a decent oriental dipping
sauce using nothing strongly flavored, even garlic, onions, and ginger
can be hot to some. Peanut butter can be used in an oriental dipping
sauce, blend a wee bi with apple juice, soy sauce, and a bit of plum


Don't worry Sheldon, I am getting there) Thanks anyway)

I will be making a sweet and sour sauce and I have already made one with
cranberry and mayo.

As I expect you well know, I love to experiment)
