Dining table that's set with china - but not meant to be used?
On 12/26/2016 9:15 AM, Gary wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
>> I've known some rich people, I never did know them to keep a table set
>> permanently. So if they're putting on airs, they seem confused about
>> what is elite.
>> It just raises questions about dust, etc., as Jill said.
> The rich with the "show houses" all have maids that come in
> two - 3 days a week. Everything is kept dusted. That said,
> I've never seen a set table for show.
> Funny too. The super rich from old money seem down to earth
> and don't put on airs.
> It's the newly rich that that seem to be the show offs.
The newly rich or the young wannabees. I've got lovely china but I
don't keep it set out on the table. Then again, I'm not rich.