Thread: Turmeric stains
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Jeßus[_61_] Jeßus[_61_] is offline
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Posts: 249
Default Turmeric stains

On Mon, 26 Dec 2016 18:01:14 -0800 (PST), "
> wrote:

>On Monday, December 26, 2016 at 7:19:10 PM UTC-6, Jeßus wrote:
>> Made a beef curry last night (with turmeric) and forgot to be careful
>> with the utensils... a small stain on the bench (laminex) and also the
>> (timber) dining table. I've wiped the areas clean and kept them moist
>> with water and detergent for now. Googling solutions comes up with
>> conflicting advice. Any tricks you know? Thanks.

>Can I assume laminex is what is called formica over here?

Sorry about that. A quick googling suggests they are one and the same

>If it is, dab a little liquid bleach on the stain; you may
>have to let it sit for a minute or two. If it's not what we
>call formica then I don't know what to tell you to use on the
>bench stain.

As it so happens, I just wiped the detergent and water away from the
stain on the Formica and it's gone So it seems it's just a matter
of soaking it and waiting an hour or so for the Formica.

>For the stain on the wood dining table I don't have a clue.

I also wiped away the detergent on the table but you can still see the
stain a bit. Nowhere near as bad as it was before. I coated the table
in 'Danish oil', which isn't as hard wearing and stain resistant as
the more common polyurethane varnishes, so I may have to live with
that... thanks for your suggestion anyway Joan.