Thread: Fish pie
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Fish pie

"graham" wrote in message news
When I was buying the ingredients for the annual seafood lasagne, I knew
I needed enough to double the amount of sauce as no matter what the
recipe, there is *never* enough sauce. The doubling factor mistakenly
influenced everything else and I bought too much fish and shrimp.
Therefore, I decided to use it up, with some long-stored steelhead trout
in the freezer and make fish pies.
I poached the trout in fish stock (Knorr cubes) and flaked it. I made a
white sauce by infusing milk with shallots and bay leaves - adding it to
a roux made with butter and flour. Then I formed alternating layers of
sauce, Steelhead, sole and shrimp in a deep pie dishes, topping them off
with mashed potato. Baked for about 30 minutes at 350F, the smallest one
was delicious. The others will go into the freezer for later.


They sound jolly good!!! Save one for me please
