Dining table that's set with china - but not meant to be used?
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Dining table that's set with china - but not meant to be used?
On 12/27/2016 7:11 AM, Janet wrote:
> In article >,
>> Cats can't see colors.
> But they can see (and chase) a dancing light bouncing around the room
>> Where would you buy a prism?
> When I started buying them in the 1970's, I could find them in junk
> shops for pennies; as the surviving parts bits of old crystal
> chandeliers that had broeken and been taken apart.
> New prisms are available from Swarovski Crystal. I don't think they
> match the quality and cut facets of older full-lead handcut crystal.
> Janet UK
This is a triple strand crystal necklace that belonged to my mom. Poor
lighting; it's a cloudy day here today.
The crystals really do sparkle! I also have a double strand crystal
necklace, every bit as pretty. I'm wearing it now.
I know if I hung them in the window and the sun shined in they'd
practically blind me. I'll just keep them as jewelry.
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