Dining table that's set with china - but not meant to be used?
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Dining table that's set with china - but not meant to be used?
On Tue, 27 Dec 2016 15:49:46 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:
> On 2016-12-27 11:55 AM,
> > I think only primates, birds and insects see colors.
> >
> Apparently there are studies that suggest that horses and similar
> animals have some ability to detect greens and yellows. I got a kick of
> out of some people at our local dog park took it upon themselves to
> paint some metal pipes with a florescent green yellow paint. I
> wondered if they realized that it is not likely to be any more visible
> that the old colour, since dogs can't really distinguish colour the wau
> we can.
Wouldn't the florescent paint be for their owners? The only use dogs
would have for a pipe is as an object to pee on.
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