Thread: Fish pie
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graham[_4_] graham[_4_] is offline
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Default Fish pie

On 12/28/2016 2:45 PM, l not -l wrote:
> On 28-Dec-2016, wrote:
>> On 2016-12-28 11:05 AM, Gary wrote:
>>> Dave Smith wrote:

>>>> I have seen a couple English cook show hosts make fish pies. They talk
>>>> about how wonderful they are are they make them and when they eat
>>>> them.
>>>> If I was at someone's house and it was the meal offered I would eat it,
>>>> but I have never been inspired to try making one and I doubt that I
>>>> would order one on a menu.
>>> Same with me, Dave. I would eat one at someones house but never order
>>> one on a menu and I'll never even try to make one myself. Might be good
>>> though. Many seem to love fish tacos. That's another that sounds
>>> repulsive to me.

>> I have had fish tacos a number of times and always enjoyed them. Some
>> were better than others but none were repulsive.

> +1 on the fish tacos. But, I have to agree that yuck sums up my initial
> reaction to fish pie.

You really should try one of the recipes I posted. They would, I am
certain, change your mind.