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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default COPHA - any substitute for?

On 2016-12-29 1:46 PM, Je�us wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Dec 2016 11:57:55 -0500, Dave Smith
> > wrote:
>> On 2016-12-29 11:29 AM, dsi1 wrote:
>>> If you're saying that one could easily die by eating that stuff every
>>> day for decades, I won't disagree. My recommendation is that people
>>> should not follow this practice.

>> When I had cardiac rehab and had a session with the dietitian I was
>> given a sheet with lists of foods to eat and foods to avoid. On the list
>> of foods to eat it said fruit and, in big bold capital letters, NOT COCONUT.

> That's because most dietitians (and bodies such as the FDA) are
> extremely conservative and take forever to update their knowledge with
> current scientific information. Coconut gets dumped in the category of
> 'saturated fats' and they can't grasp the concept that not all
> saturated fats are the same.

I don't wear a tin foil hat. I sort of expect that the people who have
studied nutrition and who are in the business of teaching people are at
the top of the list of those whose advise should be trusted.
Professionals in any field tend to be aware of the latest information.