Thread: RFC on Facebook
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Sky[_2_] Sky[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 567
Default RFC on Facebook

On 12/29/2016 7:13 AM, Janet wrote:
> In article >,
> says...
>> Facebook is providing an awesome service for the intelligence

community -
> photos of people with their names attached. If you have a database
> with names and faces and their associations with other people,
> places, and things, you'll going to be able to do seemingly magical
> things. With a big enough database you could put input a few names,
> places, and objects, and return a single name. It's freakin' magic!
> Evildoers beware!

> Ditto tax evaders, and benefit-claim fraudsters. In UK, FB users have
> given themselves away faking sick leave, disability and unemployment
> claims etc.
> Employers here now check job applicants' media records for evidence
> of drug and alcohol use, sexual activity, faked qualifications and
> background etc.
> applicants/

In the USA, laws have been passed by many states, including Illinois
(effective 1/1/2017), that prohibit any company/employer and
'educational institution' from requesting any potential employee for
their username(s) and password(s) to any _personal_ email and social
media accounts such as FB, LinkedIn and the like. If one is curious,
here are a couple of links . . .


(see "Public Act 99-0610 (HB4999) – Work
Privacy Social Media")

The amended Illinois law [Public Act 99-0610 (HB4999)] in part states:

(begin quote)
Summary: Amends Section 10 of the Right to Privacy in the Workplace Act
by expanding the online accounts that employers and prospective
employers are prohibited from accessing. Prohibits not only an
employer gaining access to these personal online accounts, but now
prohibits the employer from:
1. requesting, requiring or coercing any employee or prospective
employee to authenticate or access an account while the employer is present
2. require or coerce an employee to invite an employer to join a
group affiliated with the personal online account
3. require or coerce the employee to join an online account
established by the employer or add the employer to the employee’s list
of contacts in the employee’s personal account.
(end quote)

Of course, it is unwise to post and/or share anything online that
might/could come back to detrimentally haunt the author.

Sky, who is definitely not immune to the "open mouth, insert foot"
syndrome - VBG!

Kitchen Rule #1 - Use the timer!
Kitchen Rule #2 - Cook's choice!