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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default I feel like I should be doing something

"graham" wrote in message news
On 12/30/2016 11:18 AM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> I come from a long tradition of big deal Christmas Eve/Day and New
> Year's Eve/Day meals, guests, cooking, baking and decorating. It got
> to the point where I was getting seriously out of sorts, depressed
> even when the first of December rolled around. I didn't want to do
> all those cookies and breads and spreads etc., etc., anymore. It was
> a real challenge for me to work up the courage after several years of
> feeling this way to contact the people that were used to coming to
> our house for the events and tell them I wasn't doing it anymore. I
> can't tell you what a relief it is to be able to enjoy the holidays
> for my husband and myself and no one else.
> But, here I am today, kind of fidgety. I doesn't seem right to just
> sit down and read a book . I seems like I should be making a special
> meal or something. I think I am going to order a pizza delivered
> around dinner time instead. I did put out half a loaf of my honey
> wheat bread for the squirrels -- but that's all the food prep that I
> am doing today.
> Happy New Year
> Janet US

Every xmas my Mother would bake a skep full of mince pies, the same
quantity of sausage rolls and also of Suffolk rusks for her parents for
the inevitably large, family gatherings over the xmas/NY. They were all
consumed without a thought for the trouble she had gone to so one year
she ordered all the sausage rolls from the village baker. No-one noticed
so from then on, she stopped doing the mega-bakes and bought-in instead.
Her only regret was not having done so sooner!


Pity she hadn't) But she got there in the end
