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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Dining table that's set with china - but not meant to be used?

Brooklyn1 wrote in

> On Fri, 30 Dec 2016 21:31:24 -0800, sf > wrote:
> > On Fri, 30 Dec 2016 09:43:30 -0800, "Cheri" >
> > wrote:
> >
> >> LOL, my SIL made wonderful pot roast, potatoes, carrots, homemade

> bread etc. >> The smells were wonderful!
> >
> > I didn't say anything about bad smells. I simply don't want cooking
> > smells permeating the house... which is something Gary can't
> > understand because he lives alone and never has anyone over.

> Gary has no pride in his abode, he over and over demonstrates a
> ghetto/tenement mentality. Just because my kitchen smells good from
> cooking doesn't mean I want my bedding to smell like fried pork chops,
> brussel sprouts, and caramelized onions. I don't want to wear clothes
> that reek of a tuna melt. By the same token I would never consider
> placing the cat's litter pan in the kitchen or any other living space,
> it's in the basement and still gets cleaned 2-3 times every day.

1- cleaning cat litter 2-3 times a day would be abnormal except you do
have quite a few and if you are forcing them all to use just 1-2 pans,
then that's your fault for creating the situation.

2- Many people live in apartments. They dont have basements (even
houses where he and I live rarely do due to the water table issues).
That means the pan has to be in the house someplace. In my house, it's
in the bathroom and gets scooped once a day with a once a week clean
out but then I have only 1 cat.

3- If your cooking smells so bad that a tuna melt 'reeks' then you
might want to revise your cooking. Short of storing your clothing in
the kitchen, it will not impact them unless you traditionally use
rotted produce and burn your meals.

4- Gary lives in a pretty upscale area. Houses near him run
350,000-400,000$ and this isn't the super pricy SoCal area or DC where
you multiply by 4. Apartments in his area are decent, not remotely
tenements. He's also almost walking distance to a WHOLE LOT better
shopping than you have including a Trader Joes, a Whole Foods, and 3
other large chains (seems to like the Krogers best which is still
upscale of your WalMart).
