Dining table that's set with china - but not meant to be used?
Ed Pawlowski wrote in rec.food.cooking:
> On 12/31/2016 10:24 PM, cshenk wrote:
> >
> > Big controversy was a fellow who bought a house up along Great Neck
> > and had a dead tree that needed to come out before it took out his
> > neighbor's house. There were remnants of a big nest. He had the
> > city check it and they said to take the tree out. He did and some
> > around him went apeshit saying it was a bald eagle nest and they
> > might come back.
> >
> > Um, it was a 7-10 year old nest and the tree was DEAD and bald
> > eagles do not nest in dead trees.
> >
> > I guess 4 breeding couples arent much but we are excited about it!
> >
> Sounds like the complainers about the old nest should not be allowed
> to breed.
Agreed but they were just reacting with no sense. They went 'OMG Bald
Eagle Nest!!!!!' and didnt note in a now DEAD TREE.