Happy New Years Eve
On Sun, 01 Jan 2017 22:34:32 -0500, Brooklyn1
> wrote:
>On Sun, 1 Jan 2017 16:30:51 -0600, Sqwertz >
>>On Sat, 31 Dec 2016 21:02:09 -0500, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> Supper tonight was fresh cheese and spinach raviolis from BJs, dressed
>>> with slivered garlic in olive oil and butter with some Italian herb
>>> blend and black pepper... excellent... much better than frozen.
>>I thought you were eating pistachios and drinking Dom Perignon?
>That was dinner at 5 PM you idiot... the Dom Perignon and pistachios
>was for when the ball came down SEVEN hours later, you low IQ Tex Mex
>Dwarf Moroon... what a schmelly unbathed dwarf, I can schmell your
>wet-back beaner schtink all the way to Noo Yawk. You won't be here
>much longer, Trump will deport your useless illegal ass back to
Is that Hondorus, as in one of the lesser moons of planet Jupiter?